Verb Tense Review Part 1

 Complete the sentences with the verbs given in brackets in the right verb tense.

  1. I ________________________ (never be) to Africa, but I want to go one day.

  2. Look over there. I think that woman in black ________________________ (film) us.

  3. Yesterday, at the end of the city tour, the bus ____________________ (bring) us back to the hotel.

  4. Sam _________________________ (try) to get into the football team next term but I don’t think they ____________________________ (accept) him.

  5. This busker will become famous after he _________________________ (release) his album.

  6. OK. I __________________________ (shut down) the computer since nobody ___________________ (use) it.

  7. Until we took Andrew to Wong’s restaurant, he ________________________ (never / eat) Chinese food.

  8. The kettle ________________________ (boil) right now so I ____________________ (make) the tea.

  9. He _________________ (fly) to Paris in two day’s time.

  10. I ________________________ (finish) my book report tomorrow morning and then later, meet my friends for lunch.

  11. Mary ______________________ (photograph) everyone while we ________________ (perform) at the talent show last week.

  12. I’m not sure what I want for dinner. Oh, I know! I ________________________ (have) some pizza and milk.

  13. She had already eaten three pieces of cake so she ____________________________ (not want) more.

  14. Where were you! I _________________________ (wait) for you for an hour and a half!

  15. By the year 2030, they ___________________________ (invent) a device for doing homework.

  16. Rick was exhausted because he ___________________ (work) all day.

  17. This milk _______________________ (smell) sour. Let’s open a new bottle.

  18. My English teacher ___________________ (not believe) in luck but in effort.

  19. How long ____________________________ (he / sleep)?

  20. Look at that man! He ____________________ (drive) so carelessly that his car _____________________ (crash).

  21. The pirates _____________ (hide) a chest here in 1654.