Wednesday's Grammar: Comparatives (ER/MORE)

Last week we talked about syllables. I think that could easily lead us into another grammar form… ER/More Comparative grammar. What is ER/More comparative grammar? This type of comparative grammar involves comparing  two or more different items, specifically their adjectives, in order to identify differences.

With that said, how do we create sentences using ER/More comparative grammar? It’s simple. We only need to remember these four easy rules:

One Syllable = ER (big/bigger)

Two or more Syllables USUALLY = MORE (interesting/more Interesting)

Y = IER (friendly/friendlier)

Good = Better / Bad = Worse


  1. China is bigger than France.
  2. My brother is taller than me.
  3. Lamborghinis are more expensive than shoes.
  4. Chocolate is more delicious than cereal.
  5. Jim Carrey is funnier than Tom Hanks.
  6. The boy is sillier than the girl.
  7. His cooking is better than mine.
  8. Sushi is better for your health than pizza.