Chocolate Taxes

I’m exhausted. Physically and mentally. I think I may have overdone it in the gym. My muscles are really sore. That’s ok though. I’m used to it. I also taught a lot of classes too today. You guys know I’m used to that! LOL! The exhausting part was doing my yearly tax national tax paperwork. It takes me a few hours every year since I want it to be perfect. This hot chocolate should help me.

An interesting English slang word came up today in our classes. Do you know “Snail Mail”? It’s a fairly new word. Maybe from the 1990’s? Nobody used email before the 1990’s. So if you said, “I’ll mail you.” It meant via the post office. Nowadays it could be either physical or digital. We needed a word that represented physical mail instead of email. That’s why we came up with “Snail Mail”. Do you have something similar in your language?


今日私は授業で興味深い英語の俗語が出てきました。"Snail Mail”という言葉を知っていますか?割と新しい言葉です。おそらく1990年代から使われ始めました。1990年代まで誰もメールを使わなかったのですから。だから, “I’ll mail you.”と言いたら郵便局経由を意味していました。今日では物理的な郵便でもデジタルでも送ることができます。私たちはメールとは異なる物理的な郵便を表現する言葉必要でした。それが “Snail Mail”なのです。あなたの言語にも似たりような言葉はありますか?